Sunday, March 3, 2013

Personal Pear Pies

I got the inspiration for these from but I don't like blue cheese so I made a few modifications. I also served these as a dessert.

I followed the instructions from the website for preparing the pears but saved the scrapings from the middle of the pears to make the filling.

The filling:

Leftover pear centers (seeds removed)
Dash of vanilla

Vanilla Ice-Cream

To make the filling I  pureed the pear scraping with a bit of milk, a dash of vanilla and a few tablespoons of sugar.  I added milk and sugar until the scrapings were to a foamy syrupy consistency.  I drizzled a little of the filing inside the pear and then added one scoop of vanilla to each pear. I drizzled any remaining puree over the vanilla ice-cream.

Things you find on Pintrest can work for you as well. Yay!

Sliced Pears

Pear scraps (save these)

Brushed with lemon juice

 Covered with puff pastry

Brushed with milk and leaves made

Sliced puff pastry

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